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Call for Training for the Experts recruitment for cluster management capacity and skills building

The call for trainers in the areas of Cluster Capacity Management and Competency Development is open until 30 September.

The Hemp Club project - Competent and Connected Clusters Unfold the Hemp Industry Potential for European Bieconomy, of which Cluster PRODUTECH is a partner, aims to exploit the potential of hemp by creating European value chains in new applications and new business opportunities. Given its properties, high yield and wide range of applications, hemp is a valuable crop for the bioeconomy sector, contributing to the achievement of climate neutrality.

The HempCluB project brings together 7 clusters operating in the bioeconomy, advanced manufacturing and hemp production sectors to create value chains, with a focus on the hemp sector.

On the 31st August 2022, the HempClub project launched a call for training for the experts recruitment for cluster management capacity and skills building.

Fourteen cluster managers will take part into eight training modules for a total of 70 hours of training with the objectives of:

1. Strenghtening managerial skills functional to achieving the Cluster Excellence Label certification.

2. Uptaking transversal facilitating skills for promoting high quality services to their members.

The call is open for trainers with previous experience in the field. A previous experience in cluster management and in training cluster managers will be considered relevant for the evaluation.

The call will remain open until the 30st of September 2022.

>> More information about the call.

>> More information about Hemp Club project.

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