PIMAP4Sustainability launched a new call to fund training/services, with Informative Webinar on 12 December
The PIMAP4Sustainability - Photonics for International Markets and Applications for Sustainability project, in which PRODUTECH is a partner, has recently opened a new call for SMEs.
The new call provides access to funding for the purchase of services and training in the fields of ecological transition and internationalisation.
The respective funding amounts, by thematic area, are as follows:
- Ecological transition - funding of up to 5,000 euros
- Internationalisation - funding of €10,000.
In order to provide adequate information, the PIMAP4Sustainability consortium will hold an information webinar for potential applicants on next Tuesday 12th December at 13h Portuguese - with an estimated duration of 45min
The webinar is free, but subject to registration. Register here
>> More information about the Open Call